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Due to rising costs, it is no longer viable for our medical centre to soley bulk bill.


The truth is that we are a business and have expenses and staff wages to pay just like any other.  We are not a government organisation that has a seemingly unlimited purse.


Without fees, we simply cannot exist or provide the service we do.


At the Waterford West Medical Centre,  we provide a holistic service of exceptional quality for you, your family and the local community.  We could not provide such a service if we bulk-billed all our patients, without cutting corners, rushing consultations and reducing staffing and equipment.

We want to maintain the highest standard of care so we simply must charge a private fee. 

Medicare has made us believe medical services should be free, but we wouldn’t expect a free service from our plumber or free fuel from the gas station.

We believe our fees are equitable and try to be fair.


Consultation Fees – As at 1st May 2023


Monday to Friday

Standard Consultation


$70 (Medicare Rebate $39.75, Out of Pocket $30.25)  

Long Consultation  (Complex needs or > 20 minutes)


$110 (Medicare Rebate $76.95, Out of Pocket $33.05)


Prolonged Consultation (Very complex needs or > 40 minutes)


$160  (Medicare Rebate $113.30, Out of Pocket $46.70)


DVA holders, Concession Card Holders, children <16 yrs: Bulk Billed


Saturday - Fully Private for ALL Patients

Standard Consultation


$75 (Medicare Rebate $39.75, Out of Pocket $35.25)  

Long Consultation  (Complex needs or > 20 minutes)


$115 (Medicare Rebate $76.95, Out of Pocket $38.05)


Prolonged Consultation (Very complex needs or > 40 minutes)


$165  (Medicare Rebate $113.30, Out of Pocket $51.70)


Care Plans: Bulk Billed


Mental Health Care Plans: Bulk Billed


Excisions:  We charge a $20 for all procedures to cover the cost of materials used.  There is no more to pay.  This fee is non-rebatable and applies to all patients including DVA patients, pensioners and children.


Medicare Rebate

We are able to process your Medicare Claims electronically at the time of payment.  To do this you will need an EFTPOS card and pin or bank details.
The rebate will be processed into your account usually moments after processing.


Insurance and Medical Reports

Medicare will not cover private medical reports, insurance medicals, commercial drivers license medicals etc.

There will be a private fee for such consultations.  Please ask your Doctor or Reception.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for the community.


If you are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms, including fever, please phone ahead before your appointment. Online booking is available to help us manage viral risk.




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